Hybrid Team Effectiveness:
Change Management on Team Level

Team-Coaching: A way to gain Team spirit and better Performance

We see more and more conflicts at the workplace, these are often recognized too late and become expensive over time. The reasons are manifold:

  • Skill shortage and vacant positions cause extra work for everyone.
  • The implementation of modern office concepts (“hot desking”, “flex-desk policy”)
  • Compliance with regulations for working remotely
  • Integration of young, inexperienced team members
  • Cost-cutting measures

At the same time, the ability and willingness to engage in discourse and tolerance for other people’s opinions is decreasing. There is more talking than active listening.

Smouldering conflicts among team members, between teams or between team and manager burden everyone and reduce performance. Sharing individual values as the basis of our actions and behaviour, gets the team back into dialogue. I show ways of resolving disputes in the team internally and how to ideally prevent them from arising in the first place.

Pinguin Freundschaft
Pinguin Freundschaft

Success Factor Employee Retention: a Win-Win-Situation

Arrangements for working from home, shift work or field work are a challenge for every team. How is team spirit supposed to develop and to grow the bond towards the company if the entire team rarely sees each other? Even video conferences cannot replace this. Teams are particularly effective when they know each other's skills, exchange information and jointly develop agreements on cooperation.

This is how trust or even psychological safety is created in the team: knowing that one's opinion counts and is welcome and how each individual can contribute to the overall performance.

My most important insight from decades of working in and with teams:

90% of conflicts arise because of what is perceived as insufficient appreciation and poor communication. Teams can achieve so much more when they define:

How they work together

How the team communicates

Which values are important to whom

Furthermore: investing in teamwork not only helps the company to create a stronger bond - each individual also benefits from it, because a good team in which you feel comfortable makes up for a lot when things don't go so well.